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After the difficult Corona period, we finally have the opportunity to travel again and visit Mrs. Devon and the Linstead Learning School.

For our club members who visited the school we supported this year, the first impression was shocking.

Teachers and students could only learn under hardly reasonable conditions.


 lesson2023   Lesson2klein


The old rooms in the small neighboring house had to be missed because the roof had leaked due to the heavy rains in autumn and was in danger of collapsing.

The lessons in a container in the town of Linstead also proved unsuitable due to the general city noise.

Without further ado, it was decided to move into the private house of Ms.Devon and her family.

This meant that the children could continue to be teached for the time being, but in the long term it was not a good and lasting solution for everyone involved.

At our annual general meeting in 2023, we decided to change our statutes so that we can use our donations to support the maintenance and renovation of the school building.

After the “OK” from the tax and registration office, things could start...see 2024.